1.1 It is forbidden to use the name of the player (nick):
- Profanity (including veiled).
- Vulgar, obscene words and expressions.
- Elements of fascism, racism, nationalism, and the abuse and / or discrimination based on religious, sexual, linguistic grounds.
- Elements directly or indirectly related to political organizations (figures), including perpetrators of political crimes or crimes against humanity, acts of terrorism.
- Elements containing direct or indirect propaganda appeals to the use of alcohol and alcohol products, beer, tobacco, narcotics, toxic, psychotropic and / or intoxicants.
- Part nicknames administration officials, or contain information that could lead to an erroneous perception of the user as a representative of the administration.
- Elements directly or indirectly related to sexual material and / or pornographic content, advertising sexual services and resources.
- Calls for illegal actions, violence, cruelty, committing suicide and other actions involving injury to life and health.
- Part or all copyrighted and registered items or brands.
- Links leading to third-party resources.
- Symbols other alphabets (allowed to use Latin characters).
- Special characters.
1.2. Profanity - including veiled, and its use in the name of a clan, status, signature:
- Veiled obscenities considered the omission or substitution of letters in swear words on the special characters and / or letters of similar in sound, as well as separation and rearrangement of the letters in these words in some cases.
- Images, videos, websites, that contain profanity, are also punishable (with the exception of screenshots with violators in the complaint section.
1.3. Vulgar, obscene words, phrases, symbols and images and their use in names of the clans, statuses, signatures, videos:
- This refers to immoral behavior, vulgar phrases, rudeness, raunch and more.
1.4. Insults, disrespect, profanity against relatives, including private messages.
Violation of the above results in a 48 hour ban chat (depending on the severity of the violation and how many times has the same offence been repeated in the past).
1.5. Statements (direct or indirect) or placement of materials of a sexual nature, advertising sexual services and resources of erotic and / or pornographic content, as well as scenes of violence and outright cruelty. The use of materials in the name of a clan, status or signature. Harassment, advertising and outright cruelty chatting on the forum or (private message) PM is an aggravating circumstance.
Violation of the above results in a 24 hour ban chat (depending on the severity of the violation and how many times has the same offence been repeated in the past).
1.6. Statements (direct or indirect) containing elements of racism, fascism, insults or nicknames on race, nationality, religion, or lead to incitement of hatred, intolerance, ethnic hatred. Using a clan name, status, signature.
Violation of the above results in a 48 hour ban chat (depending on the severity of the violation and how many times has the same offence been repeated in the past).
1.7. Propaganda or demonstration of Nazi paraphernalia, symbols, abbreviations or symbols, names of Nazi leaders.
Violation of the above results in a 48 hour ban chat (depending on the severity of the violation and how many times has the same offence been repeated in the past).
1.8. Disrespect to other players, insult, rudeness, directed to a particular person:
Abuse included direct insults player.
- The message is not in Russian taken as an insult, if at least one of the witnesses can confirm it offensive.
1.9. Threats (in any form), blackmail: Clogged PM threats is an aggravating circumstance.
Violation of the above results in a 48 hour ban chat (depending on the severity of the violation and how many times has the same offence been repeated in the past).
1.10. Flood, spam, begging:
- Flood - multiple or large volume of messages that do not contain useful information.
- Spam - mass mailing of advertising messages, the duplication of similar messages, or the creation of similar topics.
- Advertising clan and other repetitive chat messages more frequently than 1 every 15 minutes, are considered spam.
- 2 posts for the same type in a row deserve a verbal warning after the third repetition the user receives a ban.
- Meaningless messages up to 3 lines of a small chat window, or multiple repetitions of meaningless or similar messages are an aggravating circumstance.
1.11. Flame, trolling, provocation:
- Flame - "argufy" messaging, which is a war of words, often aimed at inciting further quarrels.
- Trolling - injection of anger, conflict by hidden or explicit scoring, belittling, insulting another person.
- Massive provocation and active trolling is an aggravating circumstance.
1.12. Abuse of punctuation marks and capital letters (Caps Lock):
- Using characters such as "+ \ = -) (., <>! &? *" @ # $% ^ №;%: [] / `~" of more than 3 consecutive symbol.
- Writing posts / topics that contain only uppercase letters or mostly uppercase letters, and use them in the chat.
- Posts in uppercase letters filling the chat window, and / or messages that contain multiple lines of similar characters are an aggravating circumstance.
1.13. Calls for players to break the rules of the forum and / or game, as well as non-compliance or incitement of third parties to violate applicable laws of the Russian Federation:
- Encourage misconduct, suggestion user correctness of such action, the motivation to break the rules of the game and / or laws.
- Calls for the use of any errors of the game (bugs) to obtain benefits.
1.14. Dissemination of information (except for posts by the administration), the error of the game (bugs). This is a punishable offence please do not disclose information about the administration of the game bugs (bugs).
Violation of the above results in a 48 hour ban chat (depending on the severity of the violation and how many times has the same offence been repeated in the past).
1.15. Discussion of administration. Penalties, actions and decisions taken by the Administration are final and not subject to discussion.
Violation of the above results in a 48 hour ban chat (depending on the severity of the violation and how many times has the same offence been repeated in the past).
1.16. Public discussion of the actions of moderators:
- If the user considers actions of the moderator unlawful, the action may be appealed by the user in respect of which the action was committed. To appeal the actions of moderators, you must write a letter to [email protected] explaining the situation, the nickname of the player and an approximate time of the ban, if possible attach screenshots (for what the user is allegedly punished for ).
- Creating multiple topics or posts to the discussion moderation or moderators is an aggravating circumstance.
1.17. Ignoring the request of the Administration and / or moderators of termination of certain actions that violate the rules of the game and / or forum.
Violation of the above results in a 3 hour ban chat (depending on the severity of the violation and how many times has the same offence been repeated in the past).
1.18. Quoting messages that violate the rules of the forum and / or the game, as well as containing profanity, rudeness, insults, obscenity and other violations in the chat and / or forum games.
Violation of the above results in a 24 hour ban chat (depending on the severity of the violation and how many times has the same offence been repeated in the past).
1.19. Spreading rumors, slander and defamatory information (the creation of the posts and with false information):
- In relation to the game, gaming services, promotions and events.
- With respect to the administration and developer's team.
- About players and administration assistants.
1.20. Advertisements and announcements (including a player's name, clan name, status, signature):
- Placement or discussion in the Forum or any form of promotional material not related to the company's GD-Team. "Outdoor" advertising and other games companies (illegal advertising).
- Any references and discussion of other projects not related to the company's GD-Team.
- Advertising specific individuals, groups, parties, organizations and movements (religious, racist, terrorist, etc.), as well as announcements about their actions, marches, etc.
- Public discussion of drugs, alcohol, pornography, violence, etc., as well as the publication of third-party resources that contain such materials.
- Distribution of referral links, advertising pyramid schemes, ads to buy / sell and search / job offer.
- Posts and pictures offending other users.
- Malicious links, and links to other resources.
- Indecent data indecent photos.
- Discussion of drugs and alcohol.
- Materials, erotic or pornographic content.
- Notifications more than 5 lines (for signature).
- Images larger than (500x200px allowed size), or if a video of a signature is not hidden under the spoiler.
Violation of the above results in a 48 hour ban chat (depending on the severity of the violation and how many times has the same offence been repeated in the past).
1.22. Attempts to transfer or sale accounts
Violation of the above results in a 12 hour ban chat (depending on the severity of the violation and how many times has the same offence been repeated in the past).
1.23. Creating additional accounts (multi-logging).
Use of additional accounts or share for fraud, obtaining in-game currency for the main account due to referrals misleading administration, dissemination of false information and other violations; farming "likes" and vote in polls, forcing the views or positions of the user.
In addition, it prohibits the creation or use of a multiple accounts for chat in the game at the time of when the primary account is in the chat banned, use of additional accounts in the clans.
For violation of this paragraph, the user will receive a permanent ban of the account (mults and basis).
1.24 Any violation of moral ethics to the administration and / or moderators:
- Profanity, rudeness, insults, threats, and so as to address a specific person, and the entire composition as a whole.
- Clogging of such messages PM to administration assistants is considered an aggravating circumstance.
Violation of the above results in a 72 hour ban chat if addressing a moderator and a 168 hour ban chat if addressing an administrator (depending on the severity of the violation and how many times has the same offence been repeated in the past).
1.25 Impersonating the administration of the project or any of the administration assistants (including the use of a nickname, strongly resembling the administrators’ existing ones). Also attempts to confuse / cheat players in order to attract attention to one’s self and / or for personal gain; creating accounts containing nicknames or administration assistants, or highly similar to them.
Violation of the above results in a 24 hour ban chat, with repeated violation a 7 day ban chat, with repeated violation of a permanent ban.
2. Prohibited (foul play).
2.1. Using game errors (bugs) to obtain benefits. Also it is punishable not to report such errors to the developers. If the User finds an error in the game they must discontinue the game immediately and report the error in detail and accurately describe all the circumstances of the discovered error.
For violation of the above, the user’s account will be suspended for 1 day.
2.2. Using programs and scripts to automate gameplay, creates or modifies game data, or in any other manner interferes with the running game hence the game rules.
For the above violation the user will receive a permanent block.
2.3. Contractual fights. Obstruction team allies.
Contractual fighting battles are those in which one or more players deliberately lose to an opponent as a result of any cause, fighting "giveaway". The organizers and the participants will be punished.
For violation of the above, the user’s account will be suspended for 1 day.
2.4. Earning through deliberate inaction of player / players of the opposing team.
For violation of the above, the user’s account will be suspended for 1 day.
2.5. Earning due to power-leveling in anomalies (on maps with anomalies).
For violation of the above, the user’s account will be suspended for 1 day.
2.6. Agreement with other in a battle not to play at full strength for the purpose of power-leveling.
For violation of the above, the user’s account will be suspended for 1 day.
2.7. Deliberately withholding the flag (in the "Capture the Flag" regime) in inaccessible places. When deliberately withholding the flag, most offenders hide in narrow passages / buildings / part of the building that can not be accessed by some classes of equipment.
For violation of the above, the user’s account will be suspended for 1 day.
2.8. Getting information which can be used to gain access to accounts in the game, on the forum or on the site. The use and dissemination of such information and / or links third-party resources that contain such information.
For the above violation the user will receive a permanent block.
2.9. Fraud, distribution of malware. Attempts to obtain in-game currency fraudulently, dissemination programs that can cause harm to the User and / or the administration.
For the above violation the user will receive a permanent block.
2.10. Any transfer of account details to third parties, both for rent and or for free use. As long as in the transfer of the account there was an exchange of: login, password.
For the above violation the user will receive a permanent block.
2.11 In a battle, when there are players from the same clan on both teams, the output of the battle is strongly dependent on all players taking part in the battle and more than 2 clan members are prohibited from living the battle as this determines the winning team.
As evidence, we will accept only video, not less than 5 minutes and continuous and unedited, which contains clearly evident violation.
For the above violation the offender’s account will be suspended for 2 days. (Punishment will be given to all clan members who were present at this particular battle).
2.12 Clans seen in battles with dummy clans (the so-called academies) for the first time will receive a warning and a fine double the amount of the winnings, with repeated violations then the clan leader receives a 7 day suspension on his account, all other officials (including deputy treasurer, the recruiter) of the Clan receive a 5 day suspension and a fine of double the amount of the winnings. In case of repeated violations, the clan leader receives a 14 day suspension, all other officials (deputy treasurer, the recruiter) Clan receive a 10 day suspension, and this particular clan will be dissolved by force.
2.13 Battle quitting. Battle inactivity. Multiple cases of self-destruction.
Note: Only a continuous row of screenshots with intervals 5-20 seconds (throughout whole battle) or a full battle video capture is accepted as a proof.
For each such claim violator shall receive +1 warning point. Violator's account shall be blocked upon scoring 3 such points; block time length depends on frequency and other violations in past. Each such violation needs to be supported by proofs collected by different players in various battles.
3. Prohibited (violations in the forum):
3.1. Over-voting (excessive quoting).
3.2. Off-topic (writing messages not related to the topic of discussion, digression).
3.3. Spam (mass mailing advertising messages).
3.3. Gross violations of the rules of creating topics in the forum.
3.4. The duplication of topics.
3.5. Discussion of closed the topics.
3.6. Creation of topics to appeal or discuss with a particular user. For personal contact use
e-mail or "private messages" (as an exception the creation of congratulations is permitted in the off-topic section of the forum).
3.7. Creating topics that are not related to a topic section.
3.8. The use of the name only UPPERCASE LETTERS (Caps Lock) or more oF a MiXtUrE
Of tHe CaSeS..
3.9. Changing the color of the text message (on a permanent basis), as well as the alternation with the standard black (it is allowed to change the text color, font size, in the off-topic section, for example, the congratulatory topics).
3.10. For the off-topic section.
Creating topics that do not carry some meaning.
Duplication / creating a similar in meaning to an already existing one.
For violation of any of these items, the user turns off the ability to create materials for 24 hours, repeated infringement for 48 hours, then in ascending order.
4. In addition.
4.1. The basis for the punishment can be as an accomplished action and documented intention.
4.2. The administration has the right to establish the type of punishment and duration.
4.3. If a user considers the action of a certain moderator not correct, then the action may be appealed by the user in respect of which the acts complained of were committed. In order to appeal the action of a moderator one needs to write a letter to [email protected] explaining the situation, you will be provided with screenshots or chat logs (for which the penalty was issued).
4.4 In the case a penalty on a paid account the rest of the payment is not refundable.
4.5. Administration's decision is not subject to appeal.
4.6. Administration and their assistants are not required to directly correspond with offenders.
Correspondence with violators is conducted via e-mail ([email protected])
4.7. Administration is not responsible for anything that the user says or writes, while in the game, the game site, facebook, forum or group games.
4.8. The administration, in addition to these violations in these rules, decides what is considered a violation of existing rules.
4.9. These rules may be supplemented, modified or revoked at any time without prior notice.
* For insults, threats, attempt to gain access to someone else's account, an attempt to sell / transfer an account, spreading false information, dissemination of information of an error of the game, in private messages, if evidence is issued, the punishment will be issued according to the rules of the game.
** As evidence for power-leveling in anomalies (for maps with anomalies) can only be a video of at least the first minutes of continuous, contractual fights showing that the battle is not at full strength, we only accepts videos, lasting at least 2 minutes of continuous and they should clearly shows the violation.
*** Power-leveling in anomalies (for maps with anomalies) is considered to obtain experience points by restoring strength Engineer /, technology of an ally located in the anomalies for more than 1 minute. Both the user (engineer gaining point) and the use (in the anomaly zone) are punished.
**** As evidence of benefit from “bug using” the reporter takes only a series of screenshots or video, which clearly shows that a player benefited from a bug. (e.g A player using a bug in order to avoid damage over 15 seconds is also a benefit)