and why nothing posted on english forum about events?
and why so unfair clan wars event make?not all paying for why you dont make clan wars without donor items and equipment?
i think that will give more fun and more ppl who will play in event.
clan wars
, Апр 16 2016 06:32
2 ответов в теме
Опубликовано 16 Апрель 2016 - 14:15
quatro24, 16 Апрель 2016 - 06:32 , написал:
quatro24 You right 100%
следующий тур будет с 3-мя лигами:
+ GOLDS (полный комплект голдового оборудования) = Лучшие "Дорогие" Призы.
+ Серебряная лига = для всех, ко играет БЕЗ голдового оборудования.
+ Медная лига = для всех кто только что вступил в игру и не имеет ничего.
the next tour will bewith 3 leagues:
+ GOLDS(full set gold equipment) = the Best "Expensive" Prizes.
+ SilverLeague = for all, to plays WITHOUT gold equipment.
+ CopperLeague = for all who have just entered the game and has nothing.
watch news...
Изменено: underwater, 16 Апрель 2016 - 14:20
Опубликовано 16 Апрель 2016 - 16:40
where u find this?i cant find in english comunity...
the next tour will bewith 3 leagues:
+ GOLDS(full set gold equipment) = the Best "Expensive" Prizes.
+ SilverLeague = for all, to plays WITHOUT gold equipment.
+ CopperLeague = for all who have just entered the game and has nothing.
sounds great but i need to know rules and more information.
maybe you can give links in russian?i cant find anything....
the next tour will bewith 3 leagues:
+ GOLDS(full set gold equipment) = the Best "Expensive" Prizes.
+ SilverLeague = for all, to plays WITHOUT gold equipment.
+ CopperLeague = for all who have just entered the game and has nothing.
sounds great but i need to know rules and more information.
maybe you can give links in russian?i cant find anything....