i want to know why i shold get highter lvl to unlock car what is low when she is maximum upgraided?
scorpion and anvil...wtf?or scropion and eclipse...chimera and hunter....raptor and pharon...wtf just?
speed takes all?thes last lvls cars are low agenst lower lvl cars so why i shold buy them just coz of speed?i dont care speed i need dmg and armor!maybe change somthing i lvling scorpion...then i looked into class description and sow that eclipse and anvil is better than my scropion with max upgrades...and that is stupid..and plz make for all clases more weapons...no fun to all day play with 1 car and 1 weapon...looks like this game made to earn only $$$$$...nothing more...updates 1x in 2 mounths.what is in your tm? 1 ppl doing all?
about cars and etc
, Фев 18 2017 00:50