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Metal War Online


BattleCar Classes

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#1 Кристина



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Опубликовано 18 Март 2013 - 22:48

Reconnaissance vehicle

Maneuverable vehicle with a high cross-country capacity, armored and well equipped. Is perfect for a remote and close tactic reconnaissance.
The vehicle is perfect for flash-like attacks at the enemy’s bases. And shall be the best to protect its own unites. Equipped with light shooting guns, GM system, the vehicle if ideal to attack the armored targets.
It reaches its top-efficiency at sudden localized strikes and quick tactical retreats. Sometimes, can be used as a shooting support for the larger heavy vehicles.

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Technical support vehicle

Multi-target battle vehicle, equipped with a mid-armor. Used for the technical support of the troops.
Serves as an operative service station and also places additional mining barriers. Also is used for implementation of aerosol screens and barriers for e-navigation missile systems.
Equipped with a mid-shooting arsenal together with heavy missile systems to support the troops and defend the bases.

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Armored fighting vehicle

Heavily armored vehicle, equipped with all the possible types of shooting guns, missiles and other armor that can provide the victory in every battle.
The vehicle allows removing the shooting sector from one place to another quickly and immediately.
The whole vehicle construction is designed to provide the highest level of security and shooting power, but form time to time it might lose a little in the maneuvers. This heavy vehicle is perfect in every battle situation, but it is even better in the battles against the vehicles of the same type.

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Artillery complex vehicle

Heavy artillery complex, that moves on the wheel base. It was designed to strike fast-moving and armored targets form long distances.
It is ideal to destroy the on-land targets. Different combinations of the wheels-bases and artillery-turrets shall make any difficult battle easy to win.
The wheel base can be proofed with an armor that shall provide the defense against splinters and bullets. The vehicle can be equipped with a light and mid-sized artillery complexes to increase the defense level.

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