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Metal War Online


Complaints and Insults

58 ответов в теме

#41 User1505345323905



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Опубликовано 14 Сентябрь 2017 - 05:43

Time: 17:00 (-6 GMT)

#42 User1505345323905



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Опубликовано 14 Сентябрь 2017 - 05:44

Time: 17:10 (-6 GMT)

#43 User1505345323905



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Опубликовано 16 Сентябрь 2017 - 05:06

User: (SION) Smokesamir
Time 16:45 (-6 GMT)
Used hacks

#44 User1522675501859



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Опубликовано 10 Апрель 2018 - 23:25

I am Sebastien of the Syberia clan (R.I.A) and I am French.
I play on steam and I spend a lot of money every month, for my Vip account and some equipment "+ - 100 €"
I never cheated or made a violation of the rules (just what I like about you, it's your "Police" for that.
I even advertise the game in France.
short .... On a battle in "Clash" mode I was disconnected from the game under the pretext that I made a slap of the game. I never did that.
I think you can see my history in my account and you will not see a violation. Can you give me my "sebastien" account so I can play normally.
Please .... I logged into my old account "IniDPRod" to ask why this agicement, and I was also bani.
I left the account "IniDPRod" because my bank does not want your payment method to buy gold. So I was advised to make an account on steam. here
Please help me, Please help me,
I really like this game

#45 Nesquik


    A happy ending

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Опубликовано 11 Апрель 2018 - 00:08

Прочитать сообщениеUser1522675501859, 10 Апрель 2018 - 23:25 , написал:

I am Sebastien of the Syberia clan (R.I.A) and I am French.
I play on steam and I spend a lot of money every month, for my Vip account and some equipment "+ - 100 €"
I never cheated or made a violation of the rules (just what I like about you, it's your "Police" for that.
I even advertise the game in France.
short .... On a battle in "Clash" mode I was disconnected from the game under the pretext that I made a slap of the game. I never did that.
I think you can see my history in my account and you will not see a violation. Can you give me my "sebastien" account so I can play normally.
Please .... I logged into my old account "IniDPRod" to ask why this agicement, and I was also bani.
I left the account "IniDPRod" because my bank does not want your payment method to buy gold. So I was advised to make an account on steam. here
Please help me, Please help me,
I really like this game
Hello. Your nickname Sebastien?

#46 User1522675501859



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Опубликовано 11 Апрель 2018 - 00:21

the account that I use to write on this forum is an account that I tighten to make videos of Metal War Online to make advertisements and tutorials for new French players. But the account I use to play with my clan is "sebastien" and I play with "Steam"

#47 Nesquik


    A happy ending

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Опубликовано 11 Апрель 2018 - 00:27

Прочитать сообщениеUser1522675501859, 11 Апрель 2018 - 00:21 , написал:

the account that I use to write on this forum is an account that I tighten to make videos of Metal War Online to make advertisements and tutorials for new French players. But the account I use to play with my clan is "sebastien" and I play with "Steam"
Check Now enter the game

#48 User1522675501859



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Опубликовано 11 Апрель 2018 - 00:42

no I can not always connect

nice thank you

I can finally play. thanks thanks thanks

#49 Злой Редиска

Злой Редиска


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Опубликовано 11 Апрель 2018 - 00:57

very good :smile:

Изменено: Злой Редиска, 11 Апрель 2018 - 00:58

#50 BlownTFup



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Опубликовано 26 Июль 2018 - 06:38

Date and Time: July-25-18 around 6:30pm CST

Offending Users Name: User15324310176

Evidence: https://youtu.be/1f_3kkx3nps

He was using a Program to join matches and Macro's to keep shooting all round while being afk to earn xp and money.
Last video shows scoreboard after match where he actually managed even get a kill.

#51 BlownTFup



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Опубликовано 30 Июль 2018 - 21:14

Date And Time: July 30 2018 @ 9:30am Central Standard Time (CST)

Offending Users Name: User15328718058

Evidence: https://youtu.be/N1QDlBc8azs
Scoreboard https://youtu.be/p5rTk519QFU

Using a program to join matches and macro's to beat idle kick system so he can earn xp and money.

#52 iMarvn



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Опубликовано 13 Август 2018 - 02:53

Прочитать сообщениеBlownTFup, 30 Июль 2018 - 21:14 , написал:

Date And Time: July 30 2018 @ 9:30am Central Standard Time (CST)

Offending Users Name: User15328718058

Evidence: https://youtu.be/N1QDlBc8azs
Scoreboard https://youtu.be/p5rTk519QFU

Using a program to join matches and macro's to beat idle kick system so he can earn xp and money.

If you could explain more what's going on and why he shooting on empty targets without moving or anything please?... I think they not gonna reply this topic or even care about it since the English community is dead.

#53 BlownTFup



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Опубликовано 14 Август 2018 - 02:12

Date and Time: August-13-2018 about 2:30pm Central Standard Time (CST)

Offending Users Name: User15341327403

Evidence: https://youtu.be/LKsTMisLIzI
Scoreboard: https://youtu.be/xsGJqmPTaGY

Using a program to join matches and macro's to beat idle kick system so he can earn xp and money.

Изменено: BlownTFup, 14 Август 2018 - 08:48

#54 BlownTFup



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Опубликовано 16 Август 2018 - 12:43

Date and Time: August 16, 2018 about 1:15am Central Standard Time (CST)

Offending Users Name: User15341327403



This is the same guy as my last report still at it using his macro's to stay in game

#55 BlownTFup



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Опубликовано 27 Август 2018 - 08:35

Server Time: August 27, 2018 6:00am

Offending Users Name: User1530615567746

Also caught him on August 25, 2018 at 6:27am server time

He just joins and sits idle, never fights...trying to earn xp money and levels.

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#56 BlownTFup



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Опубликовано 30 Август 2018 - 21:54

Date and Time: Aug-30-2018 10:30am Central Stand Time (CST)

Offending User: User1535342382206

Evidence: https://youtu.be/riKXOyxGZDo

Using macro's to stay in battle and earn xp, money and levels

Just had another match with this guy

Server Time: 8-30-2018 5:04pm

Was a deathmatch is why he got lucky and earned some points

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Изменено: BlownTFup, 30 Август 2018 - 22:15

#57 BlownTFup



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Опубликовано 30 Август 2018 - 23:03

Date and Time: Aug. 30, 2018 about 11:45 CST central standard time

Offending user: User1530615567746

This guy just sit's idle every match.

Have reported him above also. post #55

Are you dev's reading these??

Had contacted Nesquik once before and he said some of the others had been taken care of but the lack of any posts regarding these just to let us know you are watching makes me wonder.

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Изменено: BlownTFup, 31 Август 2018 - 16:44




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Опубликовано 14 Сентябрь 2019 - 14:44

maps bug

maps bug




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Опубликовано 29 Январь 2020 - 09:00

XDIIIV1L this actress insulted and swore at me
