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Metal War Online


Figths injusts , all day , cars lvl 50 versus 20 , 25 , 30.

5 ответов в теме

#1 User1457527556390



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Опубликовано 19 Июль 2016 - 19:43

Figths injust , cars lvl 50 versus cars lvl 20 , 25 , 30 , 35.
Every day unfair and unbalanced fights. Why not put al administrators struggle with the same level cars? For administrators of this game so interested in the benefit of high level players and to lay money on the game?
Game pay to win. Every day and the same thing, the struggles are unfair and unbalanced.

Below is a table that would help make the just struggles.
Cars level 0- -10- Bronze Class
Cars level 11-- 20 - Silver Class
Cars level 21-30 - Class Iron
Cars level 31 - 40- Class gold
Cars level 41-- 45 diamond class
Cars level 46 - -50 - Platinum Class

Изменено: User1457527556390, 19 Июль 2016 - 19:49

#2 underwater



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Опубликовано 19 Июль 2016 - 22:45

Даже "западники", беспокоятся о своих штанах с дырками, бомбит и прожигает у них тоже.

А "администрация", что же? когда "починят балансир"?

#3 User1457527556390



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Опубликовано 20 Июль 2016 - 03:54


Изменено: User1457527556390, 20 Июль 2016 - 03:57

#4 elok1408



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Опубликовано 20 Июль 2016 - 12:05

It has long been discussed by Russian players

Изменено: elok1408, 20 Июль 2016 - 12:05

#5 User1457527556390



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Опубликовано 20 Июль 2016 - 18:48

And what conclusion they arrived?

To keep the unjust and unbalanced battles and correct?

Cars lvl 50 lvl cars versus 20, 25, 30 ...

This is very unfair to players with low level car like me.

My car is destroyed easily destroyed by high-level cars, I can not make points to level up my car.

Just separate the cars classes as lay down and put the fights only with next level cars.

See the table below to make the fights with a minimum of justice.
Cars level 0- -10- Bronze Class
Cars level 11-- 20 - Silver Class
Cars level 21-30 - Class Iron
Cars level 31 - 40- Class gold
Cars level 41-- 45 diamond class
Cars level 46 - -50 - Platinum Class

#6 User1457527556390



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Опубликовано 28 Июль 2016 - 19:26

The best game figths injust and desbalanced. Figths cars lvl 50 versus cars lvl 20 , 25 , 30. Fuc k game pay to win.
