Halloween in MWO

  • 20041
  • 0
1 November, Wednesday Опубликованное фото

Everyone who comes into the game on October 31 and November 1 will receive a gift VIP-account for 3 days
Fund clan tournament "Murders" which take place October 26 to November 1 increased by 50 000 gold

Special offers from October 26 to November 1:
  • Coatings "Scorpion" and "Salamander"
  • 50% discount on rental of all premium vehicles
  • 30% discount on "Enhanced scanner" and "Super smoke screen" supplies
  • Payments promo campaigns:
    • Buy 2490 gold (without bonus) and get a gift for "Super-Shot”, 25000 pc.
    • Buy 4990 gold (excluding bonus) and get free “VIP-account” for 10 days
    • Buy 9990 gold (without bonus) and get a gift for "Mega-Shield" and "Mega-kit" 100 pc. both