Morgan Industries - an International corporation. One of the world's leading manufacturer of metal, composite and synthetic materials. It has an extensive network of producing, processing facilities in more than 50 countries. According to various estimates, the staff of the corporation includes more than three million people.

The story of the corporation begins in 1903, after the merger of American foundries brothers Morgan and Company "Allmark"- one of the first producers of pulp in Europe. After the death of Rudolf Olmarka in 1915, all of its assets passed to his business partners, the brothers Morgan, as legitimate heirs of Olmarka family could not be found within the due date.

Since the beginning of the First World War and until the end of World War II, the corporation has become one of the largest suppliers of military equipment and components. The greatest growth Morgan Industries increased during The Cold War, The United States of America against the Union Soviet Socialist Republic, and when the armies of the NATO countries increased, so did the demand.

During this period, Morgan Industries opened a few additional divisions dealing with scientific developments in the fields of military engineering and biochemical engineering.


The governing body of Morgan Industries is a board of directors. After the end of The Cold War, the Morgan family ceased to participate in the management of the corporation. They owned a total of 3.7 percent of the company, which is their proportion to the annual accrued dividends from the net profit.

Morgan Industries has divisions in the US, Europe, Latin America and Asia. The Corporation delivers its civilian products all over the world. The range of products the company produces range from high-tech materials for aerospace to automotive and medical industries.Also one of the suppliers of materials for the leading manufacturers of telecommunications and computer technology.

Since 1992 the corporation started active funding for market development of synthetic drugs for various purposes. For this they created a whole pharmacological unit called "Synthetic Life", presented to the market of medicines as a separate company.

The US Department of Defense contracted Morgan Industries until 2025, These contracts were for the development of promising models of military equipment. The total amount of the contracts exceeds $ 550 billion.

In addition to the industrial complexes, Morgan Industries financed many other ventures includes research laboratories, data centers, health care, social services, transport companies, private security agencies and the field of media.

Total revenues for the accounting year 2011 amounted to about $ 1 trillion. Of these, net profit amounted to 74.2 billion dollars.

The corporation Morgan Industries spent $ 100 million to charity. It is one of the biggest sponsors of the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF).

According to unofficial information the corporation Morgan Industries has major financial interests in the African and Australian continents. With the financial support of political parties and government agencies around the world invested in Morgan Industries, They have passed laws authorizing the rights of the corporation on exclusive production of natural resources in the territory they control.
Sources in US government agencies, that wished to remain anonymous have expressed their assumption about the involvement of the Morgan Industries in a number of pirate attacks on merchant corporation ships in the peninsula of Somalia in 2005 - 2008. The aim of these attacks was to convince the US government to give the corporation official permission to create its own armed forces to protect its merchant fleet from pirates. After the rejection of the bill by the US Senate, introduced by an initiative group consisting of the senators of the various committees.Morgan Industries has entered into several long-term contracts with private military organizations in the exercise of the protection of industrial objects for the corporation, operating in different countries. Including the country in which to this day, the internal armed conflicts continue.

After Morgan Industries concluded their contracts with US Department of Defense an electronic media source leaked information claiming a significant part of the funding received from the US Department of Defense upon concluding their military contracts, Morgan Industries allegedly spent on rework already taken into service or prototypes, which would already be obsolete in technical terms. The question of who these reworks and advancements were for still remains open.

In developing countries, Morgan Industries is reported according to activists to be involved in the disappearances of political figures and popular activists. This allows for the escalation of armed conflicts in these countries. Political instability is a favorable environment for the plundering of natural resources of a state, also additional profits are made from the sale of illegal arms to parties engaged in the conflict.

It is worth noting that according to unconfirmed reports the corporation Morgan Industries is one of the few non-governmental structures that have their own intelligence and orbital satellite network, the purpose of which is not disclosed.

Currently, Morgan Industries seeks all possible ways to minimize the control of state authorities over its areas of activity, often placing their production facilities outside the borders of sovereign states. Corporate management is well aware that their potential is much higher than allowed by law for non-state commercial entities. So Morgan Industries in the near future will continue its action to transform from a private business corporation in a totally new supranational military-economic structure with the ability to obtain or capture their own territory.